N0AGI-Terrestrial APRS Propagation Reports
July 15th Report – Terrestrial APRS Propagation. N0AGI on 80 feet elevation AGL
- The following propagation summary is from moving the N0AGI Terrestrial APRS antenna (GP-9) over to the new N0AGI Tower achieving an AGL elevation of ~80 feet
- The Tower project details can be found here
- The following screen shots were taken from the APRS.FI and the Minneapolis APRS Propagation Heatmap sites today at about 7.15AM CST.
- The Tower now also hosts the ARISS sGate Operation antenna and more details on an earlier setup can be found here
End of May 2015 Report – Terrestrial APRS Propagation Reports
May 25 2015 – N0AGI – Terrestrial APRS Propagation Reports
May 8 2015 – APRS Propagation and Packet Reports – a couple of JIT sampling snapshots taken during the hrs of 4.20pm CST) ; current propagation stations.
May 1-4 2015 – APRS Propagation and Packet Reports (random sampling snapshots taken btwn the hrs of 7.30am and 8.30am CST) A few JIT pictures of the current propagation stations and heatmap for May 1st 7.0am thru 8.30am CST May 4th 2015. Some compare chart of the other APRS igate W0YC-5 is presented here for study purposes. Snapshots taken from the APRS.FI website using the custom filter options to narrow down to the station views. An article to support this increased performance was published yesterday and can be found here
- April 2015 month end map
- igate coverage of stations at JIT 5/2/2015 8am CST
- igate coverage of stations at JIT 5/2/2015 8am CST
- igate coverage of stations at JIT 5/2/2015 8am CST
- igate coverage of stations at JIT 5/2/2015 8am CST
- the outer circles are in addition to the inner heatmap for 2 days 5/1 5/2 2015 at 8am CST
73, N0AGI
Apr 2015 – APRS Propagation and Packet Reports This month I had a couple of scheduled maintenance activities that interrupted the continuity of service.
- Antenna and mast replacement to reach higher elevation
- switched radios btwn FT2900D to 897D and back to 2900D for testing range and coverage
- April 2015 month end map
Feb 2015 – APRS Propagation and Packet Reports I had moved my TRx rig from YAESU FT-897D to YAESU FT-2900R. This was done on Feb 7th/8th 2015 Sat/Sun. The FT-2900R is a single band 2M 75W power-house and does a pretty decent job of Rx and Tx of packets to/from my Digi and iGate. Thanks are due to KE0NA; I had purchased this used FT-2900R from KE0NA (Dave Ventura) Saturday morning and picked it up at his place. Dave, thanks for taking good care of this TRx and for the reasonable purchase price. The below is a propagation map and service reporting for Feb 2015
Thanks, 73 N0AGI
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