HAM Radio Shack
Here you will find the metamorphosis of my Radio Shack setup from where it was at the very beginning to where it is today. If I do my job right, this page should be the most accurate visual of what my Shack looks like today. Apparently, I have not done my job right quite yet since this page does not accurately represent my current Shack. Stay Tuned, it will be here soon.
Nov 2015 Shack Update Pictures
March 2015 – Radio Shack Pictures
Feb 2015 – Radio Shack Pictures
- FRG-100 SW Radio – SWL
- WiRES-X PC/Server
- YAESU FT-897D, Currently my APRS work-horse
- APRS.FI screen live
- APRS-IS Dash board App running
- APRS Digi/iGate work-horse
- ditto
- full view of my shack
- at the bottom there, ARISS, APRS ISS test bed and TNC to go
- Fusion DR-1X – what a beauty, w/ FTDX-1200 HF/6M
- Fusion DR-1X closeup
- close up 2
- another closeup of FTdx-1200, Fusion DR-1X
- Radio Shack HAMSERVER. One stop server
- My carry FT-1D
- WiRES-X SysOp Server App
- Another view
- GMRS Family Radios
- TNC-To-Go, on a PC
- TNC-To-Go and KENWOOD TM-D710GA ARISS APRS Dev Station in the back
- KENWOOD TM-D710GA ARISS APRS Dev Station in the back
- YAESU FP-1030A Power Supply, Antenna bags, and more
- A foreground view of my Portable Antenna to go
- My POCSAG TRx – Pager System experimentation Project
- YAESU FT857D – WiRES-X TRx Analog mode on 442.175MHz. Node/Room 11191/21191
- another view of my APRS Digi/iGate
- Another view of my YAESU FT-857D
- one more…
- WiRES-X HRI-200 box connected to PC and YAESU 857D
- FTDX-1200 in on mode
- another view
- yet another…
- close view of VX-8DR and FRG-100
- Close up of my APRS-IS Client Dashboard Windows App
- KPC TNC 9612+ on FRG-100
- Close up of YAESU FT-897D
- Motorola Synthensized PAGER Programmer
- Feb 2015, Radio Shack Pictures
Thanks, 73
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